
Friday, October 28, 2016

Lethargic Creativity

Have you ever felt this restless feeling?
This idea that you are meant to be doing something more than what you are?
Even these words are hard to type because I feel like I should be doing more. Saying more. Being more.
But then there is an understanding that creativity is not perfect. Beauty is not defined by human standards.
Whatever words I produce or notes I sing or orchestrate. I am not defined by those. In the same understanding I am producing something beautiful. Something that, even if it is not the most creative thing created, it provides the community with something to discuss. Ideas spreading. Hope starting. Beauty created.
Not letting creativity die to lethargy, to perfectionism, to systems and rules.
To create.
To be alive.

Random Drawing brought to you by Winter Burnett


  1. Replies
    1. Gosh, that looks so bland, but I didn't feel like an exclamation mark. That wasn't the vibe I was going for.

    2. I like both of your comments! The vibe is well understood.
