Time is past and future.
We cannot see future. We only predict.
We cannot see past. We only remember.
God is outside of time. Is God unseen?
We are to think in terms of the present.
We are to think in terms of the present.
God is both time to us and present to us. I AM is present.
God is both time to all and present to all. I AM is outside of time.
Our bodies are present only because our souls are outside of time.
When present our bodies are living temples of God because God is present.
When our bodies are past or future they are only time.
We are no longer present with them and no longer are our bodies.
When present our bodies are living temples of God because God is present.
When our bodies are past or future they are only time.
We are no longer present with them and no longer are our bodies.
We must live in the present. Because God is present.
We remember past because God was present.
We think of future because God will be.
So what does any of this mean? I had a thought while walking today: "Time is the existence of things unseen." My thought after that was: "What is time?" "Well, time is defined by passing" I thought. So time is only past? But past is seen. Or is it? Past is only seen in memories. The past is never truly seen. The future is also not seen and many people will agree on that. We only predict the future, but we cannot see it. We will never see "tomorrow".
So the better question to ask is this: What is not time?
Well, "not time" is the present because we can see the present. It turns to time very quickly, so in a sense we do not see it, but we see it because we are present.
Second thought or question I had was if God was unseen. If he is unseen, then he is time. (Time is the existence of things unseen) But if he is seen, then he is outside of time. He is present.
Christian thought teaches us to not dwell on the past or to worry about the future. We are to live, LIVE, in the present. And God is present. So many songs talking about God's presence being all we need. God's presence is. God is presence. (Without getting too theological here because I have no idea what I am talking about besides random thoughts that seem to be logical).
So to be Christian is to understand that God is present to us and has/will be present to all. Also understanding that when we are not "present," in this bodily form, God has/will be present to us.
Somehow this comforts me.
To be Christian is to live in the understanding that God is present, and to be The Church's form of God's presence. We are made in his image, therefore we see present, we see beyond time into existence. Beyond existence, through our souls, into eternity. Understanding eternity we do not disregard time as vapor, but have understanding of what it really means.
What does time mean? Not sure. I haven't seen it. Because time is the existence of things unseen. Time is a paradox, and to understand a paradox is to understand something that is greater than definitions.
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